BA in Culinary Arts, IT Tralee (Completed L6 at IIHCS, transfer to year 2 at IT Tralee)
Studying in Ireland is not a common choice for Hong Kong students, but studying in Ireland could be a good alternative that you may consider.
I am a year 2 student studying Bachelor of Arts in Culinary Arts in Institute Technology of Tralee. In this programme, I am involved in different kind of research and training in the Kitchen. Skills learned in year one such as reaction of different combination of ingredients, food biology and nutrition analysis, they are foundation knowledge for my current and future learning.
Studying Culinary Arts here is so much different from what people at home normally think, such as the operation of the kitchen, very often we need to work on our own and learn to handle different problems. I am also benefited from small class learning that allows me to receive more focused professional support and teaching by experienced lecturers in the industry which has facilitated my learning very much. I am happy that I chose studying in Ireland.