Advantages of Study in Ireland & FAQ

Advantages of Study in Ireland

  • Hong Kong SAR passport holders do not need entry visa to Ireland;
  • Good Country Index: Ireland ranked number 8 in 2020;
  • English Speaking Country: 95% of population speaking English, the only English speaking country in Eurozone;
  • Global Peace Index 2022 : Ireland ranked 3rd most peaceful country in the world
  • Ireland has the youngest population in the EU, 26% of the population in Ireland is under age 20.
  • Livable Environment: In the 2021 Human Development Index, the United Nation rated Ireland the second most livable place on earth;
  • Richest Countries in the World 2023: Ireland was listed as the richest country in the world
  • Safety: In 2023, the United Nation rated Ireland the second safest country in the EU.
  • Costs of Living: Comparatively lower than other European countries;
  • Education Level: The most recent CSO Educational Attainment Thematic Report 2022 shows that Ireland continues to have the second highest rates of third level education in the EU-27 with 62 percent of 25-34 year olds in Ireland having a third level qualification in 2021.
  • Economy and Business Efficiency: Ireland is ranked 2 nd out of 64 economies in the IMD’s World Competitiveness Yearbook 2023 with its Economic Performance being the number 1 and Business Efficiency being the 3rd.
  • All Irish Universities in the world top 4%;
  • Students can legally work 20 hours per week, 40 hours per week on long holidays. Since 1 January 2025, the minimum wage per hour is €13.50.


Do I require a Visa?
If you hold a Hong Kong SAR or British National Overseas (BNO) passport, you do not require an entry visa for Ireland. Once in Ireland you will need to register with An Garda Síochána (Irish Police) within a time as specified by the Immigration Officer at Port of Entry.
A person in possession of a Hong Kong Document/Certificate of Identity does require an entry visa for the state. Chinese students also require a student visa to enter Ireland.

What are the English language requirements to study in Ireland?
The English language requirements vary, depending on the course and institution; please consult with your prospective institution for specific English language requirements. For immigration purposes a student applying for third-level study in Ireland must demonstrate a minimum level of English Language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 5.5. Many universities also offer preparatory foundation courses to prepare students for academic study. For immigration purposes these students must demonstrate a minimum level of English Language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 5.0.

Can I work while I am studying in Ireland?
International students on Degree programmes can engage in casual employment while at college. The current regulations entitle students to work 40 hours per week during the months of May, June, July, and August and from 15 December to 15 January inclusive. At all other times students are limited to working 20 hours per week.

Can I stay in Ireland after graduation?
Current legislation permits students who are studying on a Level 8 Honours Bachelor Degree course, under the National Framework of Qualifications, to remain in Ireland for up to 1 year after Graduation in order to seek employment. Students who have completed a level 9 or 10 programme, under the National Framework of Qualification, can remain in Ireland for up to 24 months after Graduation.

How much will it cost?
The fee structure in Ireland makes Ireland a very competitive country when considering an overseas study destination. Fees do vary however and for courses in Business, Law, Science Engineering and Arts, fees would be between €10,000 to €22,000 per year depending on the exact programme and the University.

What about the cost of living?
This obviously depends on the location of the College and the type of accommodation you choose. The estimated expenses including accommodation, utilities, food, travel, personal expenses etc. for the average student is around €11,000 to € 15,000 per academic year.

Are there scholarships available to study in Ireland?
There are scholarships available for students interested in pursuing undergraduate studies in Ireland.